The PRO-Line DiSoft II is the most advance software for vestibular diagnostic.It offer flexibility, stability, accuracy and a lot more.
This software can be use for :
Just by adding some options on the system, you can configure it as you want but also upgrade it later on too !
Basic Module
Spontaneous nystagmus (with and/or without fixation)
Gaze nystagmus (with and/or without fixation)
Positional nystagmus (Supine, ...)
Positioning nystagmus (Dix-Hallpike, ...)
Caloric nystagmus (with or without OFI)
VOR testing
Options :
Video recording
Situational camera with sound
Hand remote control
Foot remote control

Oculography Module
Full horizontal and vertical visual stimulator
Full HD resolution
Can be connected to a LCD projector or TV screen
Fully customizable test
Rabbit target for kids
Available tests :
Random saccadic test
Smooth pursuit
Optokinetic test
target for spontaneous nystagmus and gaze nystagmus
Rotary chair Module
Compatible with all "Torque" series
Fully customizable test parameters
Available tests :
SHAT test (0.01Hz to 0.64Hz)
Velocity step test : 10°/sec to 200°/sec
Maximum acceleration/deceleration : 200°/s² (MiniTorque and above)
Visual VOR
VOR suppression
Microcentrifugal test (only with GigaTorque)
Vertical-Off axe rotation (only with MegaTorque)
VHIT module
The vHIT is a measure of the patient’s vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) in response to head movement. Lateral only or 6 canals (Lateral-LARP-RALP). High speed camera : 250 image/sec with 320x240 pixels.
- Head Impulse Paradigm (conventional / Traditional head impulse test)
Head rotation with earth fixed visual target
Catch up saccades indicate impairment of the VOR.
Suppression Head Impulse Paradigm
Head rotation with head fixed visual target
Catch up saccades indicates functioning VOR