DiSoft II
Software update information page
New features
Version 3.03
New DVA (Dynamic Visual Acuity) Tests set
SVA, PTT, GST and DVA are now include in the DVA family tests.
Controling the symbol display is now more easy.

Real Time Bar in all VNG Test
Graphic Time bar is now display during each VNG test with different events.
This allows to anticipate what will happend, and giv a global view about the test progress.
Eye Video recording during ENG Electrode Test mode
There is now a possibility to record VNG eye video during ENG electrodes test (Pediatric).
PRO and ANTI Saccades only
Record of PRO and ANTI saccades can now be done separately.
New Report Layaout
A new set of report layout, with more clear information, predicted values, is available.
Version 3.00
New VisioX D2 Visual Stimulator for Oculography Tests
Using directly the computer and its second adapter display, you can run Saccades, Smooth Pursuit, OPK with HD video quality.
Dual mode VNG
Define a second area of windows screen (on second, third, .. screen) to display a copy a VNG live eye video. It give you the possibility to monitor the eye tracking from another location than desktop sit.
3D View of Head movement
Evaluate directly on a 3D head model view the vHIT movement you assign to head patient. Control of peak velocity and direction are now more easy to control.
Version 2.00
Revisited Screens for a Touch Screen approach
Bigger icons and button, touch and move lists, context menu icons, ...
Quality test information
Information about the quality of test realisation is display on test icon just at the end of recording.
New Virtual Reality device for SVV supported
New ENG/VNG Free Test
You can now record any test witch if is not planned in the software.
SQL Query Editor
SQL order can be used on any Data Base to extract data according your own criteria.
Separate Scales and screen layout for each VNG test.
Scales and layout of the record screen can be define differently for each test and memorise.
Reports screen preview are now faster
Rhinomanometry 4 Phases analysis
Regarding international guideline, the 4 phases analysis of Rhinomanometry and all its parameters are now available in a dedicated report.
New search Patient / Visits tools
The search function is now extend on any field (also user field) on patient or/and visit data.